We have been to the mountain peak and back in this crazy relationship,
We've beaten each other up to a bloody pulp, thrown each other into our
own corners,and made our heads spin til we can't walk we're so dizzy.
I've been reckless with his heart as much as he's been with mine, and
maybe in the long run of it all, that could be the thing that keeps
us the strongest. we're both terrible at relationships. But it's all
a learning process. At least i know now that I'm not afraid to fight
for him. I've become a stronger person learning about how I have hurt
him. Dealing with how he has hurt me. We have compatible flaws, maybe
we don't understand them at first, but it's about learning to accept
them for our future. Looking back on everything and realizing that we
are just as capable of this great love as we are this great pain. I
choose love now, giving myself the freedom to.
Being aware. I choose love.